Welcome to the NLSchools Busing Operator Management System.
The Student Transportation Busing Operator Documentation System is designed to make it easier for the NLSchools and Student Transportation Contractors to manage:
- the collection and updating of required Contractor documentation;
- the driver and vehicle assignments to specific routes; and
- communication relating to documentation approvals/expiries and group MEMOs/messages to Contractors
As a contract is awarded to a Contractor, the District will add it into the system including its associated routes. The Contractor is responsible to keep their Contractor information up-to-date, listing of drivers and fleet up-to-date, upload all required documentation under the corresponding driver or vehicle in the system and ensure each route is assigned a driver and a vehicle. The system will send automatic notifications to Contractors for upcoming document expirations as well as District approval of drivers and vehicles.
To get started, please login at right.
NLBusingApp 1.0 © 2017-2024 NLSchools