100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
Media Information
NLSchools recognizes the responsibility of the news media to provide accurate and timely information to the community concerning issues and events that occur in our schools. NLSchools make every effort to accommodate media requests where practical, appropriate, and within NLSchools’ protocols and any applicable legislation. As well, media requests must be considered within the parameters of the impact it may have upon on a school's and/or student's instructional day and academic activities, as well as be mindful of the privacy of students and staff.

We are committed to cooperating with the news media, however, we are also obligated to protect the privacy of our students and staff. With respect to all communications matters NLSchools abides by its obligations under the Schools Act, 1997, the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant legislation.

To help facilitate media requests, all media inquiries must be directed through the Director of School Communications who will act as the official liaison and primary contact for media. This includes requests for interviews with senior staff, administrators, teachers or students, as well as for information on NLSchools or school policies and procedures.

Principals may exercise their own discretion to invite media to their school for school sanctioned events and must ensure proper procedures are followed, including informing the Communications Division. It is the responsibility of the school administrator to inform the Communications Division of NLSchools about these events.

Media Access to Schools
In order to protect the privacy of our students and staff, media representatives (journalists, photographers, videographers) are not permitted on school grounds to interview, photograph or videotape without prior approval. To facilitate media relations efforts, the media are requested to contact the Director of School Communications in advance of any school visit.

In consultation with the Director of School Communications, administrators may grant media access and arrange interviews with staff and/or students for routine school events. Before any minor is photographed, videotaped or interviewed by the media, a media consent form must be signed by his/her legal guardian.

Interviews will not be conducted during school hours or on school property without the approval and presence of a NLSchools administrator or designate. Any member of the news media present at a school is required to adhere to the authority of the school administration and school rules, just as students and members of the public must. All school visits must be supervised by a member of the school administration or designate of.

Request for Information
  • NLSchools will not release any information that may reveal a student's identity without appropriate consent.
  • NLSchools will not release any personal or personnel-related information without appropriate consent.
  • NLSchools will not comment on any case that is before the courts.
  • In cases where the police are involved, and/or there is an ongoing police investigation, NLSchools will not provide comment. Questions related to police investigations shall be referred to the relevant police agency.
  • NLSchools will not release the names of deceased students, teachers or staff out of respect for their families.
  • Requests for information under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act must be made through NLSchools’ ATIPP Coordinator. Information on submitting an access request can be found here: www.atipp.gov.nl.ca.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees is the official spokesperson for the Board of Trustees of NLSchools. The Chair will address governance matters and issues related to the Board of Trustees.

The Superintendent (Formally CEO/Director of Education) is the official spokesperson for NLSchools. The Director will address matters related to the operations of NLSchools, general inquiries and/or critical incidents.

The Director may defer comments on specific matters to members of NLSchools’ professional staff such as an Assistant Director of Education, a school administrator or the Director of School Communications, where deemed appropriate.

An employee of the Communications Division may be present during interviews which take place with the Chair, Director or other designated member of NLSchools’ professional staff.

Only those designated to speak on behalf of NLSchools may address issues such as (but not limited to) policy, critical incidents, NLSchools/school activities and operations. Any such interview must be coordinated through the Communications Division.

Manager of Communications
Greg Howard
Office: 709-758-2371
Cell: 709-327-8330
Email: GregHoward@nlschools.ca
Director of Communications
Cheryl Gullage
Office: 709-758-0032
Cell: 709-697-5856
Email: CherylGullage@nlschools.ca


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