100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
Cannabis Education
Under the Government of Canada's Cannabis Act, the production and sale of edible cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabis topicals will be legal as of October 17, 2019. However, it will take time for products to be available for purchase. Please see the video resource below for further information.

As we know, the Government of Canada legalized non-medical cannabis as of October 17, 2018. Since that time, the Government of Canada and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador have been working to ensure the public and all public services are informed about the changes.

For students throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, the legalization of cannabis and cannabis products should have little to no impact on their daily lives. These products remain illegal for anyone under the age of 19 to purchase, possess, consume, or grow.

In recognizing that our families and school communities have questions and concerns about how cannabis consumption may impact on individuals, NLSchools is making trusted information sources available for review. Be aware, there are many groups and individuals sharing information on cannabis. However, NLSchools wishes to ensure our school communities have access to trusted, credible resources.

Before providing additional information to help inform your family's decisions, here are Five Important Facts for Families on Canada's Cannabis Legalization. More information on the points covered can be found in the resources listed below:

  1. Cannabis legalization came into effect in 2018, while legalization of edible cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabis topicals will be in effect as of October 17, 2019.

  2. In Newfoundland and Labrador, in order to legally purchase, produce, possess, consume, or grow cannabis or cannabis products, you must be 19 years of age - much like alcohol or cigarettes.

  3. There is scientific evidence to suggest that the use of cannabis products before the brain has fully developed (at approximately 21-25 years of age) could have potential consequences relating to brain function and development.

  4. Under the District's Cannabis and Smoke Free policy (PROG-316) and Student Search and Seizure policy (PROG-306), cannabis and cannabis containing substances are not permitted in or on District property. This includes in schools, facilities, vehicles or in any mode of transportation used to transport students.

  5. Information on cannabis is covered in a number of curriculum areas within the province's public school system, along with substances such as alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs and other controlled substances, in an effort to ensure students are aware of the associated risks.
Please find below information and credible resources available from subject matter experts tasked with providing accurate information to inform the Federal Government's public education campaign.

If you have any further questions related to cannabis legalization or use, please consult your local law enforcement agency or medical professional to discuss.

Trusted Information Links

District/Employee Information
Current NLSchools policies relevant to the legalization of cannabis include the following:

Amendments to current policies to reflect the legalization of cannabis for individuals over the age of 19 are underway.
Curriculum Connections to Cannabis Education
The following information includes areas of the public education curriculum which currently address drug education. It provides an opportunity for educators and parents to have further discussions with students around the new legislation for non-medical cannabis and cannabis product consumption.

Within the province's K-12 education curricula, there are several outcomes related to drug education that now provides more opportunities to include the latest in cannabis education to ensure a timely learning experience for students. Curricula with drug education outcomes are:

  • Health 4, 5 and 6: Drug Education unit
  • Health 8: Drug Education unit
  • Health 9: Unit 1, 2 and 4
  • Healthy Living 1200: Controlling Substances
  • Human Dynamics 2201: Relationships unit
More information on the province's K-12 education curricula can be explored through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's website.
In-School Partner Programming

Cannabis Impairment
Marijuana and cannabis products can have a significant impact on an individual's ability to operate a vehicle, machinery or to perform a job. The resources outlined below focus on the known facts around cannabis and efforts to ensure drivers are aware of each person's legal responsibility to safe and sober driving.

For Families
Families need to open the lines of communication with their children to ensure they are informed and understand the potential risks associated with the use of cannabis and cannabis products, and the possible impact on individuals' ability to make sound decisions. These resources focus on understanding the issue of legalization and how to discuss these issues with young people.

For Educators
For educators who wish to explore more information to help inform themselves, or take advantage of curriculum opportunities to expand student learning, the following resources focus on educational-based discussions with youth on cannabis and cannabis products.

If you have any further questions related to cannabis legalization or use, please consult your local law enforcement agency or medical professional to discuss.



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