There is a policy and administrative regulations in place which outline weather closures.
Below you can find a quick overview of the process and how decisions are made.
Notices of closure will normally indicate there will be a further update later in the morning, generally around 10:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Delays should be communicated for a specific number of hours - for example, one or two hours. If a morning delay is longer than one hour, scheduled Kinderstart sessions for that morning will be cancelled.
Typically, closures for the entire day are only announced in the circumstance of a major weather event.
Schools may not necessarily close early because the weather is deteriorating while school is in session. It may be prudent and safer for students to remain in school during the peak of a storm.
Authorized zone administrators are provided weather forecasts from a contracted weather service and they can also consult with their student transportation staff or contractor, local municipalities or the Department of Transportation and Works.
The weather policy provides wind chill temperature thresholds at which schools will close. These are:
Grade | Temperature |
K - 3 | -45°C |
K - 7 | -50°C |
K - Level III | -55°C |
The decision to delay a school opening or close the school is supported by a variety of information and a procedure is in place to help with decision making.
Occasionally, as with anyone making decisions dependent upon weather and a forecast, things can change quickly. However, NLSchools always attempt to make prudent decisions in the best interest of student and staff safety.
Should you have any further questions on the weather closure policy please do not hesitate to contact your respective regional office. Contact information can be found here.
- All students should be appropriately dressed for the season, particularly winter weather and changing conditions.
- Families should have alternate/back-up arrangements in place should an issue occur with student transportation, such as a delay caused by poor weather or road conditions.
- Families are reminded that in most circumstances, Kindergarten students must have an adult present for after-school drop off by the bus, as per the Kindergarten Transportation Identification Protocol.
- Further winter safety tips can be found here.