100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
Who Do I Contact? (Parent/Guardian/Media Inquiries)
Who should I contact for concerns about my child?
The student'€™s school should be the primary point of contact for parents/guardians. The vast majority of questions or concerns (such as curriculum matters, bussing information or school events), can be addressed at the school level through your child's teacher or through the school administration.
If I have a question that requires a response beyond the school level, for example on a policy matter, should I contact NLSchools? If so, how do I reach someone at NLSchools?
The vast majority of questions can be answered at the school level. NLSchools' Policies are another good resource and can be found here. As policy development and consolidation from the previous district remains underway, historical policies remain in place in all regions unless otherwise stated.

If you have a question which you feel should be addressed by NLSchools you should first contact the Director of School (DoS) for the school. The contact information for DoS can be found on your schools profile page.

The contact information for each NLSchools office can be found here, and a complete staff directory can be found here.

I need to speak with someone regarding student support services provided to my child, who should I contact?
If you have questions regarding student support services currently being offered you should contact the school or your child'€™s Program Planning Team.

If you still have concerns after speaking with the school and/or the Program Planning Team you may contact the Director of School (DOS) (formerly SEO) for your school.

If you need further assistance after speaking with the Director of School (DOS) (formerly SEO) you may contact one of the NLSchools contacts for Student Support.

I have a curriculum question which does not relate to my child, however, I would like to know more about a certain topic. Does NLSchools have experts in specific curriculum areas that I can speak with?
NLSchools has Program Specialists who work with specific areas of the curriculum, such as mathematics, social studies or fine arts. Contact information for these individuals can be found on our main contact page on our website or by clicking here.
Who should I call to discuss a disciplinary matter with respect to my child?
Questions regarding disciplinary matters should be directed to the school and a discussion should take place with the teacher. If the matter is not resolved you can discuss it with the principal. If you would like to discuss the matter beyond the school level you can contact the Director of Schools (DoS) responsible for your school. Contact information for DoS can be found on each schools profile page or on the staff directory contact page or by clicking here.
Who should media contact to arrange interviews, discuss issues or arrange events with NLSchools?
Media representatives should contact Greg Howard, Manager of Communications for NLSchools, who can arrange the appropriate response to the media inquiry. (Tel: 709-758-2371 | Cell: 709-327-8330 | Email: greghoward@nlschools.ca)
How do I make an access to information request or learn more about protection of privacy?
As a public body, NLSchools follows the requirements of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Requests for information under the act must be made through NLSchools' ATIPP Coordinator who can be reached via atipp@nlschools.ca or (709) 729-1234.

Further information on submitting an access request and the legislation can be found here. The form (PDF) required to make a request can be found here.

The school administration should be the primary point of contact for parents/guardians. The school administration has regular contact with the facilities division, and can directly request work orders and/or get updates on matters in that regard.



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