100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
Intensive Core French
What is Intensive Core French (ICF)?
Intensive Core French (ICF) is a method of organizing the Grade 6 curriculum so that students receive an increased amount of instruction in French for half of the school year. The program was introduced in 1998 to enhance the Core French program by creating a period of intensive exposure to French.
What does ICF look like?
ICF increases the hours and intensity of French instruction. Only French language skills are taught in French. All other subject areas are taught in English. The following table provides a sample of how the ICF year may be structured:
September - January (French Block) February - June (English Block)
  • Physical Education, Music, Math, Science are delivered in English
  • 60% of the block students are developing skills in French
  • Grade 6 curriculum outcomes are integrated throughout the French block
  • There are a variety of theme based communicative activities
  • It is not a French immersion program - subjects are not taught in French
  • 90% of the block is taught in English (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Art, Health, Religion, Science, Social Studies, Music and Physical Education)
  • 10% is French language instruction
  • Cross-curricular integration occurs
How is ICF different from other French programs?
The ICF program differs from the French immersion program as content (other subject areas) is not taught in French and it differs from the Core French program as there is an increased amount of time and intensity devoted to learning French. The following are descriptions of the other French programs offered by NLSchools:
  • Early French Immersion (EFI)
    Students begin Kindergarten with approximately 90% of subject instruction in French. The percentage of French instruction decreases after the Grade 2 level as English Language Arts is introduced in Grade 3. By Grade 9, EFI and LFI students study approximately the same percentage of French.

  • Late French Immersion (LFI)
    Students begin in Grade 7 with approximately 75% of subject instruction in French. The percentage of French instruction decreases in each grade, as more English is introduced. By Grade 9, EFI and LFI students study approximately the same percentage of French.

  • Core French (CF)
    Students spend approximately 10% of the time studying French as a subject within the curriculum from Grades 4 to 9.

What are the benefits of second language learning?
  • Provides a focus on literacy skills
  • Facilitates learning of additional languages
  • Develops cultural appreciation and diversity
  • Enriches personal development opportunities
  • Increases employment opportunities

Is the ICF Program inclusive?
  • All students have the opportunity regardless of ability to achieve personal success. Students who have previously experienced academic challenges have done well in ICF and have experienced the same or better learning in English subjects. This improvement may be due to increased time spent on literacy development, including the opportunity to re-learn reading and writing strategies.
  • Some schools offer the program to all students in grade 6.

What if we don't speak French at home?
The ICF program was designed for non-French speaking families. Regardless of the language spoken at home there are a variety of strategies parents can use to support their children. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful:
  • Listen to your child read in French
  • Discuss content and illustrations of French resources in English
  • View French media together
  • Continue to support and show interest in your child's program
  • Create an atmosphere conducive to study
  • Participate in French cultural events where possible
  • Initiate open communication with your child's teacher
  • Provide a French-English dictionary for use at home

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How will ICF affect achievement in English Language Arts?
    Achievement in English Language Arts will not be negatively impacted by being enrolled in an ICF program. English language skills are already well established and students will continue to develop literacy skills in both English and French. These language skills are transferred from one language to another and have mutual benefit for the development of both languages.

  • Will the course content be similar to that of the English program?
    While the year is organized differently from Grade 6 English program, the Grade 6 curriculum is followed as determined by the Department of Education of Newfoundland and Labrador. Teachers plan for instruction considering the connections between curriculum outcomes and engage in curriculum integration practices. The integrity of the Grade 6 program remains intact.

  • What is curriculum integration?
    Curriculum integration occurs in the English block of the ICF year. Teachers consider connections between curriculum outcomes in various subjects when planning for instruction. It is recognized that many learning processes, such as comparing, contrasting, analyzing, problem solving as well as the writing process are developed in the French block and therefore are not being introduced for the first time in the English block.

  • Will there be extra homework?
    Homework will follow the regular pattern for subject areas taught in an English program. Homework will support learning and consist of work students may complete independently.

  • How is reporting done in ICF?
    There will be a variation of reporting for ICF students. In the French block, evaluation will be provided for French, as well as for subjects taught in English (Mathematics, Music, Physical Education and Science). In the English block, the report cards will incorporate the other English subjects (Art, English Language Arts, Health, Religion, and Social Studies).

ICF Registration
ICF Registration takes place in February each year for the upcoming school year. Date(s) and times will be posted on the ICF Registration page in early February.
Other Information
Please take sometime to review more information on our French programs below:



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