100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
NLSchools recognizes our students are facing increasing challenges and pressures from social media and the Internet. While we are aware there are many positives associated with these technologies, we also acknowledge that at times they may be used inappropriately. Great strides in educating our students about Internet and social media safety have been made in recent years, but we believe we can and should do even more. Our Internet and Social Media Safety (ISMS) Program continues to provide our students with important information and instruction on the use of such communications mediums, playing a key role in helping young learners make good decisions in real life and online. Founded in the Provincial Government's Safe and Caring Schools Policy (2013), specifically Procedure 5, education on social media and Internet safety has been ongoing since 2014.

Each member of our community has a role to play in helping our young people understand the consequences of questionable online behaviour and a responsibility to model good behaviour in our electronic activities. The District encourages you to explore the resources below and learn more about how we can all be good digital citizens.

Student and Parent/Guardian Resources
NLschools is aware that many parents and guardians are unsure of the many ways their children are interacting online and how they are using the Internet in their day-to-day lives. While we do encourage all parents and guardians to review the resources being used by teachers each year and engage in discussions at home about Internet use, we recognize that the amount of information available can be overwhelming. Listed below are a number of resources specifically designed to help educate adults about the many uses of modern technology among youth.

Additional Information Resources

  • MediaSmarts.ca - A Canadian, not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. Their vision is that children and youth have the critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens.

  • Privacy Education for Young Canadians - A site available from the youth privacy section of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Here you will find a variety of resources and tools that have been designed for Canadian educators and parents/guardians.

  • Commonsensemedia.org - A resource dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice needed to thrive in a world of media and technology.

Supplementary Resources
  • Netsmartz.org - A resource provided for parents/guardians, educators and youth from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

  • Cybertip.ca - A resource operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, the site's mandate is to protect children from online sexual exploitation.

Who Should I Speak With?
Any student who has concerns about inappropriate or questionable activity should speak with a trusted adult such as parent/guardian, family member, teacher, or police officer.

Parents/Guardians who have concerns about inappropriate or questionable online activities should discuss the matter with their children and bring it to the attention of the school and law enforcement.



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