The Honourable Frank Fagan, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, Her Honour Patricia Fagan and Colin Holloway, MHA District of Terra Nova, joined the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador (HFNL) and members of the education and heritage communities at Government House in St. John’s to mark Heritage Week in the province February 19-25.
Winners of HFNL’s 12th annual Heritage Places Poster Contest were in attendance to accept their prizes. Approximately one thousand students from 62 schools across the province produced submissions for the contest, which is open to all schools in the province. The winning submission is featured on the Foundation's poster promoting Heritage Day in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Hae Na Luther, a grade 9 student at Stella Maris Academy in Trepassey, submitted the Junior High and Overall winning submission with her depiction of the Colonial Building Provincial Historic Site.
Winning submissions at the other grade levels included:
Primary – Liam Costello, Kindergarten, St. Bonaventure’s College, St. John’s, for his depiction of the Ferryland Lighthouse (Town of Ferryland designated Municipal Heritage Site);
Elementary – Waffa Zahralyn, Grade 4, St. Matthew’s School, St. John’s, for her depiction of Cabot Tower (Classified Federal Heritage Building); and,
Senior High – Nicole Chaulk, Grade 12, Glovertown Academy, Glovertown for her depiction of the Railway Coastal Museum, St. John’s (Federally designated Heritage Railway Station).
The students’ respective schools also received awards; $300 each for St. Bonaventure’s College, St. Matthew’s School and Glovertown Academy, and $750 for Stella Maris Academy. Congratulations to all participants and winners for their efforts!