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100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876

Posted: Mon Feb 29 00:00:00 NST 2016
Roddicton Student Wins Spelling Bee
Cloud River Academy
(Photo credit: The Telegram's Keith Gosse) Mattie poses with her family (L to R) Dad Hollis, brother Liam, Mattie and mom Sonya.
(Photo credit: The Telegram's Keith Gosse) Mattie poses with her family (L to R) Dad Hollis, brother Liam, Mattie and mom Sonya.

A Grade 6 student from Roddickton has been named the province's top speller, after winning The Telegram's 4th Annual Spelling Bee in St. John's February 27th. Eleven year old Mattie Cull competed against 66 other young people, going 17 rounds to win the competition and qualifying for the Scripps National Spelling Bee taking place near Washington, D.C.

Hosted by The Telegram's Steve Bartlett, reporters were on hand to share news of Mattie's win. The Telegram story, with photos from photojournalist Keith Gosse, can be found below.

The Telegram (February 27, 2016) - View full story HERE

Other media outlets covered the amazing competition over the weekend. Find more stories of interest below:

CBC News (February 28, 2016) - View full story HERE

NTV News (February 28, 2016) - View full story HERE



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