Amalgamated Academy in Bay Roberts hosted a 'Pride Week' during May to help highlight and celebrate diversity. This was an initiative of the schools Safe and Caring Committee that was facilitated by a Safe and Caring Special Project Grant. Many activities were planned during the week which included the rising of the Pride flag, the rainbow coloring of the school crosswalk, a Loom Band Project for the elementary students, 'Different Kinds of Families' presentations (presented by the Foster Families Association), and a rainbow day where every member of the school community was given a rainbow cupcake and asked to dress in rainbow colors for the day. Various information was provided to both staff and students and it was awesome to see the students embrace this as they took it upon themselves to display their pride by doing things such as placing rainbow posters around the school and painting rainbows on their faces. We hope that this week will have a lasting impact and that the school community will continue to welcome and embrace diversity.