LeGallais Memorial was pleased to participate in this year's Inside Out for Autism event and set a goal for the school of $1,000. Despite being small in numbers, with just 45 students in the school, they more than proved their hearts are big by raising a grand total of $6,518.60.
As an incentive for the students to fundraise, LeGallais Memorial held a Wake-a-thon where students raised money by staying at school for 24 hours keeping each other company and participating in fun events with fellow students. Activities throughout the night included a campfire (which included a weiner roast and s’mores), board games, video games, movies, and sports in the gym. Mr. Anderson, the Grade 5/6/7 teacher, was a true inspiration to everyone as he raised $2,500 on his own. Miss Piercey, who organized the event, said that this was a way for LeGallais Memorial to help families outside of the classroom, as well as helping families in Newfoundland and Labrador since the money raised stays in our province.
The event would not have been such a success without the support they received from local businesses and groups in Isle aux Morts and Port aux Basques. Due to the success of the evening, LeGallais Memorial has decided to make the Wake-a-thon an annual event and will be used to help a variety of organizations in the future. LeGallais Memorial proved that small schools can have a big impact.