Holy Trinity High School System Review
The Newfoundland and Labrador English School Board will undertake a review of the grade configurations for the Holy Trinity High school system beginning in the fall of 2019. The review is required due to enrolment pressure projections for Holy Trinity High for the 2020-21 school year and beyond.
The Holy Trinity High School feeder system includes:
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Memos sent to parents and guardians of all schools within the Holy Trinity High school systems can be viewed below: |
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Information Booklet
In the interest of informing school community discussion around the decision ahead of the Board of Trustees' meeting, on October 30, 2019, the District released its Information Book for the Holy Trinity High School System Review on October 31, 2019. |
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School Council Presentation
On Wednesday, October 22, 2019, Board Trustee Peter Whittle (Zone 16), along with District staff, met with the administrators and representatives of the four school councils of the Holy Trinity High school system. Preliminary information was shared with the school councils at that time. The District presentation from those meetings can be found below. During the meeting, District staff proposed a reconfiguration of grades which would directly impact Juniper Ridge Intermediate (JRI), Grades 5-7, and Holy Trinity High (HTH), Grades 8-12, school populations. The proposed changes would see Grade 8 students retained at JRI as of September, 2020, effectively making the intermediate school a Grades 5-8 school and adjusting HTH's community to a Grades 9-12 configuration. This proposal was strongly supported by your school councils and Trustee Whittle. |
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Next Steps
The anticipated timeline is as follows. If there is a need to make a significant change to the anticipated timelines, school communities will be advised:
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Process Summary
The process for the Holy Trinity High school system review will include:
It is important to note that no final decisions have been made regarding the grade configurations of this school system, and any changes to take place as a result of the review process would not be implemented until September, 2020. |
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Contact Information
Should you have any questions about this process, please contact the Director of Schools for your school system: Holy Trinity High School System |
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Sharing Your Thoughts
Any member of the school community wishing to share their thoughts and opinions on the reconfiguration proposed to your school council and administrations, as outlined in the presentation above, please share your comments via email at nlesdfeedback@nlesd.ca. Feedback will be accepted until 10:00 p.m. Friday, November 15, 2019. |