Stephenville High and Piccadilly Central High School Systems Review (Phase II)
The Board of Trustees of the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District recently undertook a review of the Stephenville HIgh and Piccadilly Central High School Systems in the fall of 2019, with the potential for closure of schools within this system. During the March 28th public meeting of the Board of Trustees, the Notice of Motion which was previously given at the December 7, 2019 public meeting related to these systems was withdrawn. As such, Trustees did not proceed with the previously outlined Motion (available below) for the Stephenville High and Piccadilly Central High School Systems.
- MOTION: Piccadilly Central High / Stephenville High School Systems, Stephenville High (9-12), Pathfinder Learning Centre (L.S. Eddy) (10-12), Stephenville Middle (6-8), Stephenville Elementary (4-5), Stephenville Primary (K-3); Piccadilly Central High (9-12), St. Thomas Aquinas (K-8), Our Lady of the Cape (K-8), Lourdes Elementary (K-8).
- WHEREAS the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is committed to providing the best possible educational programs for students; and
- WHEREAS a reconfiguration of grading and a reorganization of schooling in the Piccadilly Central High/ Stephenville High School Systems is required to achieve that objective;
- BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that: St. Thomas Aquinas (K-8) will close effective June, 2020. Stephenville Elementary (4-5) will close effective June, 2020.
- BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that: Stephenville Middle School will be reconfigured from Grades 6-8 to Grades 4-7. Stephenville High School will be reconfigured from Grades 9-12 to Grades 8-12.
- BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that: All students attending Stephenville Elementary will attend Stephenville Middle School.
- BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that: Stephenville Primary School student attendance zone will be rezoned to include the current student attendance zone for St. Thomas Aquinas. Stephenville Middle School student attendance zone will be rezoned to include the current student attendance zone for St. Thomas Aquinas. Stephenville High School student attendance zone will be rezoned to include the current student attendance zone for St. Thomas Aquinas. All students who previously attended St. Thomas Aquinas K-8 and who are currently attending Piccadilly Central High will continue to attend Piccadilly Central High until completion of high school.
- BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that: The Pathfinder Learning Centre (L.S. Eddy) (10-12) will relocate to the site of the former Stephenville Elementary.
The review began following the October 26, 2019 meeting of the Board, focusing on potential school system improvements in areas of declining enrolment and involved initial consultations with the school councils and/or school community. For all early information and the initial feedback shared during the first round of community consultations, please visit the archived website here (Fall, 2019). The Stephenville High school system includes:
The Stephenville High school system includes:
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- Stephenville Primary
- Stephenville Elementary
- Stephenville Middle School
- Stephenville High School
- Pathfinder Learning Centre
The Piccadilly Central High school system includes:
Please find below the historical information outlining the:
- Correspondence/Memos
- Systems Review Presentation
- Information Booklet
- Consultations
- Process Summary
- School System Contact Information.
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Correspondence provided by the District to the school community can be found below:
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Information Booklet
In the interest of ensuring an informed community discussion ahead of the March 28, 2020 meeting of the Board of Trustees, the District released an updated Information Book for the Stephenville High/ Piccadilly Central High School System Review, originally released during preliminary community consultations on November 8. |
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Systems Review Presentation
Please find below the recent Board meeting presentation of the school system review. |
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Process Summary
As of the Notice of Motion on December 7, 2019, the process for the Stephenville High/ Piccadilly Central High school system review included:
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It was extremely important for members of the school community to be able to provide their feedback during this process. The District provided a number of opportunities for school community members to have their voices heard. ThoughtExchange As part of the school review consultation process, the school community was asked to provide their input on a question related to the Motion being brought forward at the March 28 meeting of the Board. Below, please find the ThoughtExchange report on the results of this consultation. What are your thoughts and perspectives on the Motion for the Stephenville High/Piccadilly High School Systems, as outlined on the District webpage? Please review the ThoughtExchange report results here. Please note: Any member of the school community who may have issues connecting with ThoughtExchange using technology (internet connection problems, computer access, language barriers, etc.) should connect with the school administration of a school within this system. District schools are committed to ensuring families are able to provide their valuable input into this process. School Community Meeting |
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Contact Information
Should you have any questions about this process, please contact the Director of Schools for your school system: Stephenville High School System Piccadilly Central High School System Delores Clarke-Genge · 637-4000 · deloresclarkegenge@nlesd.ca. Pathfinder Learning Center (Truman Greenham) · 637-4000 · trumangreenham@nlesd.ca. |