Wenesday, September 4th is the first day of school for students for the 2024 - 2025 School Year.
31A Main St.
P.O. Box 10
L'Anse au Loup, NL
A0K 3L0 · Canada
TEL: 709-927-5411
FAX: 709-927-5521

labrador Office
P.O. Box 1810, Stn. "B"
P.O. Box 8700
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL A0P 1E0
Tel: (709) 896-2431
Fax: (709) 896-9638
Labrador Straits Academy actively encourages the participation of parents, teachers, students, and the community whereby every student has equal opportunity to reach his / her fullest potential in an environment conducive to learning and growth.
The vision of Labrador Straits Academy is to foster independence, creative & constructive thinking, to best prepare them to become active, positive, and contributing members of society.
We believe and value: the contributions that all students make; the results of learning; the process and the end results that teaching provides; and the social, emotional, academic and physical environments in which learning occurs.
Grade Level: K - L4
Start Time: 8:45 AM
Dismissal Time: 3:00 PM
Community: L'Anse au Loup
Region of Province: Labrador
Bus Route(s): YES - VIEW ROUTES
School Report: N/A
Twitter: N/A
Facebook: YES - VISIT SITE
Accessible School: YES
French Immersion: NO
Enrollment (PS Data):
Principal: colleen o'brien
Assistant Principal: arlene cabot
Secretary(s): Amanda Barney
Guidance: Darcy Hancock
Family of Schools (FOS): FOS 01
Director of Schools (DOS): lorina spurrell
Student Services (DSS): Nicole Arklie
Allocations are being finalized for this year and are not currently available. Please contact the School District for further details.
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