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100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
Holy Spirit High & Mount Pearl Senior High School Feeder Systems (Round 2)

The Newfoundland and Labrador English School Board has recently undertaken a review of the school feeder zones for the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High school systems. The review is required due to enrolment pressures anticipated in a number of schools within both systems, and the opening of a new intermediate school in Paradise, expected to open in the 2021-22 school year.

The Holy Spirit High school feeder system includes Octagon Pond ElementaryHoly Family ElementaryTopsail ElementaryVillanova Junior High and Holy Spirit High.

The Mount Pearl Senior High school feeder system involves Elizabeth Park ElementaryMorris AcademyParadise ElementaryMount Pearl Intermediate, and Mount Pearl Senior High.

The District is beginning its second round of consultations with the school community May/June, 2019, and all information shared with the school community will be available on this site and found below.


Memos sent to parents and guardians of all schools within the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High school systems can be viewed below:

Information Booklet

In the interest of getting the views and opinions of the school community on the Community Proposal to inform the District's Board of Trustees, an updated Information Booklet for the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High School System Review was released

School Council Presentation

On May 29, 2019 District staff met with administrators and representatives of Octagon Pond Elementary as the school most impacted by the planned configuration being presented to the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High school systems. During this week, District staff also met with the administrative teams for all 10 schools. These meetings were as follow-up to the initial meeting held on October 23, 2018. Updated information was shared in anticipation of moving the information out publicly. The District presentation from those meetings can be found below.


As experienced in the first round of consultations, the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is using a new way of collecting input. ThoughtExchange is a platform which will allow the school community to engage in an online conversation on the planned configuration. Therefore, the District would like to get everyone's input on this question:

After reviewing our planned configuration, what are the most important things for us to consider to make this plan successful?

The results of this ThoughtExchange will help the Board of Trustees decide which students will feed into the new intermediate school and help guide future planning initiatives.

All voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued. Please take the time to thoughtfully participate before 11:59 p.m., Thursday, June 13, 2019.

Click here to launch ThoughtExchange.

You will be prompted to add and verify your email address, and create a password you will remember in order to participate in this online conversation. ThoughtExchange will allow you to share our own individual thoughts, consider and rate the thoughts of others, and learn what is important to the community. It will be important to not only share your thought but explain why it is important, as it will help others determine if they agree. ThoughtExchange keeps confidential who shared each thought and who assigned what ratings.

Next Steps

The District has been engaged in a two-step process with the consultation tool ThoughtExchange. The anticipated timeline is as follows. If there is a need to make a significant change to the anticipated timelines, school communities will be advised:

  • May 30, 2019 - Information shared with the school community on the students who will feed into the new Paradise Intermediate. A second ThoughtExchange opportunity will open to school communities for input (Round Two). This survey opportunity outlines a single planned configuration for how the new intermediate school will impact the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High School Feeder Systems. This option has been informed by the information received in Round One consultations.
  • June 13, 2019 - The ThoughtExchange opportunity will close as of 11:59 p.m. Thursday, June 13.
  • Summer, 2019 - Board trustees will review and consider the feedback received from the school community throughout the ThoughtExchange process. Trustees may be in a position to vote on the proposed new feeder system structure as of the September 7 public meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Process Summary

The process for the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High school feeder system review has included/ will include:

  • Consultation with the school councils of all schools involved (10 in total);
  • An inclusive survey mechanism (ThoughtExchange) will be provided for members of the school communities to outline values to be considered during the review (Step One);
  • A report on the results will be provided to the school community;
  • The District and ThoughtExchange will analyze the results of the survey and finalize formal options for a new feeder system design;
  • A second ThoughtExchange survey will be provided for members of the school communities to provide input and feedback into the planned configuration developed (Step Two);
  • A report on the results of Step Two will be provided to the school community will be provided to the school communities by the end of the 2018-19 school year; and,
  • A public meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador English School Board in which trustees will vote on a final feeder system configuration for the Holy Spirit High and Mount Pearl Senior High school systems (potentially as early as September, 2019).

It is important to note that no decisions have been made regarding feeder schools in either system, and any changes to take place as a result of the review process would not be implemented until the opening of the new intermediate school in Paradise, currently scheduled for the 2021-22 school year.

Contact Information

Should you have any questions about this process, please contact the Director of Schools for your school system:

Holy Spirit High School System
(Octagon Pond Elementary, Holy Family Elementary, Topsail Elementary, Villanova Junior High, Holy Spirit High)
Leo Etchegary · 709-758-2351 (Email: leoetchegary@nlesd.ca)

Mount Pearl Senior High School System
(Morris Academy, Elizabeth Park Elementary, Paradise Elementary, Mount Pearl Intermediate, Mount Pearl Senior High)
Wilhelmena Hardy · 709-758-2762 (Email: wilhelmenahardy@nlesd.ca)



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