Waterford Valley High School Feeder Systems
The Newfoundland and Labrador English School Board undertook a review of the Waterford Valley High school system in the fall 2019 for potential changes. This review was necessitated due to current enrolment pressures being experienced at St. Mary's Elementary which are expected to continue.
As of the March 28 public meeting of the Board, trustees decided not to proceed with any changes for the Waterford Valley High School System. This means that St. Mary's Elementary will remain status quo (Grades K-6) for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.
Please find below historical information regarding the review process and all communication and consultation with the school community.
The Waterford Valley High school feeder system includes:
- Cowan Heights Elementary (K-7)
- Hazelwood Elementary (K-6)
- St. Matthew Elementary (K-7)
- St. Mary's Elementary (K-6)
- St. John Bosco (K-9)
- Beaconsfield Junior High (7-9)
- Waterford Valley High (10 to 12)
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Memos sent to parents and guardians of schools within the Waterford Valley High system can be viewed below:
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Information Booklet
In the interest of informing school community discussion around the system review, the District released its Information Booklet for the Waterford Valley High school system on November 19. |
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District staff released an updated presentation outlining the options being considered for adjustment to the St. Mary's Elementary school community on March 2, 2020 following the first round of consultations held in November. reviously, District staff met with the administrators and representatives of the School Councils for St. Mary's Elementary (October 30, 2019) and Hazelwood Elementary (November 4th). Preliminary information was shared with the two school councils during these meetings and the District presentation can be accessed through the link below. During these meetings, the possibility of changing the catchment area and grade configuration of St. Mary's Elementary was discussed as well as the availability of space at Hazelwood Elementary. It is important to note that the information contained in the presentation below was preliminary. Following feedback from the school communities, an adjusted and updated presentation has been released for public information. |
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Thought Exchange
As part of the school review consultation process, the District consulted with the school community in November 2019 using ThoughtExchange. The results of this engagement were released in December and can be found below. In March, 2020, the District launched a second round of consultations through ThoughtExchange. The results of this second engagement were released on March 28 and can be found below. |
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Process Summary
The process for the Waterford Valley High school system review included:
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Contact Information
Should you have any questions about this process, please contact the Director of Schools for your school system: Waterford Valley High School System |